Saturday, May 21, 2011

For me, for me, formidable

Thank you for inviting us over. We hadn't seen each other in a while and it's not always easy to get everyone together, but somehow we manage to meet up several times a year.

Last night, we were invited into your parental home. Your mom was prepared to cook dinner for all of us and that was not necessary but highly appreciated. She's a great cook and we love to eat her food. Wasn't she pretty? Always dressed up to the nines and looking like a million dollar! Last night wasn't any different. Keep an eye on that leg for us, okay? It does worry me. Please take a rest every now and then, Mrs T. You don't need anyone's permission but your own..

My friend, thank you for all the work you have done for us so far. You are one of a kind and we could not have done what we did without you. I do believe we were able to surprise you? Have fun and let us enjoy the result huh?

Brothers, my record keeps playing the same song: I consider you my true brothers since you're always there for me and I can really rely on you all. Each one of you can read between the lines and the love you offer is true and sincere.. Thank you xxx

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