Wednesday, September 8, 2010

We are all related

Last night, the 7 of us went out to the movie theatre. There was grandma, 4 sisters-in-law (I included myself), and the two oldest granddaughters (my girls). We had a terrific time! It was a joy to have a ladies night out. In fact, we should do that more often! Seriously, it was a lot of fun! There were goodie bags and there was a great movie. Julia Roberts took us along on her journey towards Italy, India and Bali and told us everything we needed to know about Eat - Pray - Love.

We went out to dinner first. Nothing fancy, just pizza. But it was fun and different without the boys. I think they're a little jealous. Nothing keeps them from organizing a men's night out though. I'm sure they would enjoy that as well!

Thanks girls! You rock!

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