Monday, July 27, 2009

Picking a name

We are looking into buying a whippet, a small greyhound. It's not easy to find a litter of puppies, but we're working on it (I prefer to buy a puppy in Belgium or Holland)

The girls didn't like the idea of a whippet at first, because they feel sorry for them for being so skinny. I told them about the breed and the character of the whippets and they are coming to terms. Both girls are making up a list of names for the pup we do not even have yet. I admit, I'm making up names as well. We would like to have a girl, so the name should be at least a bit feminine. My favorite names so far, are India, Priya, Indy, Indra and Lina. Don't hold back to tell me your favorite name for a whippet. And no: Rocket and Speedy are no options!

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