Friday, July 3, 2009

Busy gal on the go

We needed to get up early this morning. We have so many things to do. I need to go to the post office first, to ship some bolero drinks to my customers. Then the girls and I are heading towards the hospital in Antwerp. I have to return my insulin pump.. with pain in my heart, really. It'll be weird to give it back. I have used the Cozmo pump for nearly 3 years and it has become a part of me. It's like having a limb amputated! It's pretty emotional and I hate to see it go. But there's no other option. The pumps are owned by the clinic and they ordered me to trade it for the Paradigm Real Time. I'm so not looking forward to it. It is better though, than going back on syringes!! Don't even want to go back there.

While we're at the hospital, I would like to visit a friend/diabetic who's there to have surgery. I hope she will be out of the recovery by the time we would like to visit her. I'm looking forward to seeing her. She's a young widow, with 3 kids and she's done a great job raising them. Her children are too young to live without her, so let's keep our fingers crossed that she will be just fine and things will go smoothly.

Sales are not over yet, so neither is the shopping. I can't believe we will do some more shopping.. The girls are so looking forward to it. Hubby is happy he doesn't have to join us. He'll spend some quiet time at home, enjoying the day of yesterday, because it was his birthday.. We took him and the in-laws out for dinner. The mussel season started and we love mussels! So mussels it were and I must say: they were delicious!


Upje said...

Muscle season?! *kijkt een beetje bevreemd ... *

Maar verder: ik wens je toe dat je snel aan je nieuwe pomp gewend raakt. Dat ze je even vertrouwd wordt als je Cozmo, en dat ze even goede resultaten oplevert! said...

mosselseizoen is begonnen hè meiske!