Sunday, May 17, 2009

Under pressure

Today I asked myself: what does pressure do to me? Do I perform better under pressure? Do I need pressure in order to do a better job? 

I know I don't like to be under pressure. I like to do things at my own paste. That doesn't implicate that I'd be slow, but I don't like it when people rush me. Because I want to complete a job without making any mistakes, so it needs some checking. 

I have worked in a sandwich bar for 6 months. Sometimes there were 30 customers at once and I was the only person to prepare and sell the sandwiches. But I did great and people didn't get aggravated waiting turns. But I got stressed alright. And my blood sugar is the best meter: my sugar level goes real high when I'm under pressure. I need more insulin to bring it down again. 
But there were also times, that my blood glucose was really low when I was working under pressure. Chewing on sugar lumps kept me going, but what a relief when all the customers were served and out of the shop. Then I could fall to pieces and have some lunch..

Conclusion: I'm not very fond of being under pressure..

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