Saturday, May 9, 2009

Girls just wanna have fun

I'm always excited to see my lady friends. They make me smile, they make me happy and there's always so much to discuss. I don't get to see them that often, but I don't think that is necessary either. Distance makes the bonds grow fonder, remember?

Yesterday was one of those days. And it was a lucky day, because I got to see two good girlfriends. One in the afternoon and one in the evening. I feel blessed.

The first friend I had a date with today, is a mom of two. Both her husband and their youngest child have diabetes type 1. I have never met a person like her, who takes all the responsibility of taking care of 2 diabetics. Because it is not a piece of cake, believe me. Sometimes I forget she's not the diabetic. She's a wonderful person.. and I'm glad I got to know her, through our forum.

I had the opportunity to test out my camera again. The youngest daughter of my second date, is 6 and she's a little fairy. She has wonderful blue eyes (looks after her mom) and blue eyes are not easy for photographers. They turn red before you know it. But the pictures came out real well and I think she will be happy with the result as well. 
I had really missed my friend. I believe we had not seen one another for about 6 weeks and that is a long time. Since we both work now, and her children are younger than mine, getting together isn't that easy any more. But whenever we get together, we catch up and both of us can go to bed with a good feeling of true friendship..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Je doet me blozen!!!!!!!